Welcome at HZ

The start of your study in Zeeland

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Your first week at HZ

Are you a Dutch speaking student? Please visit our Dutch introduction page. We are happy that you have chosen us and hope that you will have a nice student time here. To make the start of your studies and your student days as pleasant as possible, we have a number of tips for you. Meet other (international) students, participate in activities and create unforgettable memories. 

Good luck with your studies at HZ!

Introduction of your study programme

During the kick-off activities you will get to know your fellow students and get information about your study programme. The introduction week is a compulsory part of your study programme. The introduction week of 2024 will take place from 26 August to 30 August. You can celebrate the start of your studies on Thursday 29 August during Kickoff Festival Zeeland.

HZ Community

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HZ Sport

Participate in student championships, water sports activities, sports outings or join the annual HZ Ski trip. Of course, at a student rate! You do not have to be a member to participate, but becoming a member does have many advantages:

  • Participate in various activities for free
  • Receive discounts for various sports clubs


HZ Cult

If you would like to go to Barcelona, visit the best theatre performances and attend the coolest concerts with other students, then make sure you participate in HZ Cult activities. With a broad programme in the fields of music, theatre and city trips, HZ Cult offers plenty of choice.

12 kopiëren

The Work Zone

The Work Zone offers you the best (side) jobs before, after and during your studies at HZ itself or at a company in Zeeland. Registration is entirely without obligation and free of charge. Would you like to register, or do you have a question? Go to www.theworkzone.nl or drop by in their office in HZ in Vlissingen.

Aqua ad Vinum introkamp

Aqua ad Vinum

Aqua ad Vinum organises the best themed parties and activities all year round. From paintballing to beer tastings and from a camp in the snow to the weekly drink in the Society. Something for everyone! Sociëteit de Dop of Aqua ad Vinum is located in the back of Tripel where you are welcome 3 times a week for a drink and a chat.

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Marum Bibio

Marum Bibio is known for its parties and events. Marum Bibio has its own social club above café Bellamy where the door is open five days a week for a drink and a chat. Don't forget the fun Happen & Stappen and the incredible Sunset Cruise. 

Additional information

Before you start your studies, we are happy to give you some additional information about HZ and the use of My.HZ and HZ Learn.

Good to know

Study choice check

A conscious study choice increases your chances of being successful in your studies. We therefore think it is important that you make a conscious choice of study and would like to help you do so. You will receive an invitation for the study choice check by e-mail. Together we will find out if your study fits your interests, qualities and motivation.

MyHZ and HZ Learn

Via email you will receive the request to make your personal data complete. After approval, you will receive login details for access to My.HZ and HZ Learn. On My.HZ you will find, among other things, your timetable, study plan and book list. You will also find the latest HZ news and you can amend your personal data, among other things.

In HZ Learn you can find all the information about your study programme.

Special regulations

HZ has special regulations for studying as a professional athlete or studying with a functional disability. To arrange this, please contact the counsellor of the domain in which you are studying.

HZ student card

You will receive your HZ student card during the HZ Kick-off. What can you use it for?
  • Printing and copying
  • Borrowing material from the audio-visual services
  • Parking on the HZ site
  • Payment method for HZ Catering
  • Borrowing books in the library

Living in student accomodation

Do you want to live in student accomodation? These organisations can help you further:
  • APV Housing
  • Housing coorperation L'Escaut
  • Gapph

Shared bikes

Need a bicycle? Grab one of the 50 shared bicycles for your trip in a few simple steps. The bicycles are equipped with a lock that you open with an app. You can unlock the bike with your phone, close the lock with your phone and return it to one of the drop-off locations at the end of your journey. Create an account, download the GoAbout app and start your journey! Shared bike Zeeland is an initiative of CycleHub, Province of Zeeland, GoAbout and HZ.


With your HZ login credentials, you can purchase inexpensive hardware and software at student rates through Surfspot. To do this, go to www.surfspot.nl.

Setup Wifi Apple 
Setup Wifi Android
Setup Wifi Windows

Student App
HZ Learn App

Advice for laptop

Before you start a study programme, it is useful to have a laptop. To get started right away, we have listed a few pieces of advice:
  • At least Windows 10
  • Microsoft 365, downloadable for free after 1 September with your HZ account
  • Sufficient storage capacity, at least 250 GB
  • Sometimes study programmes also have specific requirements, check with your study programme.


We offer course materials in various file types such as PDF, Word, PowerPoint, Excel and various image and video files. If you follow the purchasing advice above, this will not cause any problems for your educational process.

You may of course use other devices also on our network such as tablets, iPads, netbooks, phones, Macbook, etc. These often do not have a Windows operating system but iOS or Android. As we as a school cannot support all types of devices, it is your own responsibility to be able to open, edit (e.g. make a report in Word), play and submit the learning material.

The use of Chromebooks is strongly discouraged in this regard as the experience is that students cannot open, edit (e.g. make a report in Word), play and submit files.